
Diamonds are small sparkling stones with many facets. Hopefully this section consisting of Christmas Letters, Travel, and Homilies might meet this definition.

The first section, Christmas Letters, has the following entries:

AN OVERVIEW PHOTO-GREETING CARDSCORVALLIS 1963 …. 1964ROCKVILLE 1968SPRING 1980 1981198219831984 … … 1986198719881989199019911992 19931994CYPRESS 19951996199719982000200120022003 2004EAGLE’S TRACE 20052006 2007200820092010 (HOLY NIGHT)2011 (CHRISTMAS REVERIE)2012 (EPIPHANY)2013 (OH CHRISTMAS TREE)2014 (CELEBRATION/THANKSGIVING) 2015 (BUILD A MANGER)2016 (HIS FATHER’S EYES)2017 (SILENT NIGHT)2018 (STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN)2019 (ADVENT)2020 (A DIFFERENT KIND OF CHRISTMAS) 2021 (CHRISTMAS COMES FOR HEARTS AND MINDS) 2022 20232024 (CHRISTMAS REVERIE)

The section for Travel has the following entries:


The section for Homilies has the following entries:

Cycle A: Advent: 1st SunTHREE “M’S” AND AN “H” and GOOD TIMES === 2nd SunADVENT WAITING === 3rd SunDESERT PATIENCE === 4th Passion PeopleSun … JOSEPH’S DREAMS === Holy FamilyHONOR and HOLY RELATIONS === EpiphanyMYSTERIES === Baptism of the LordWORTHY **** Ordinary: 2nd SunJOHN THE BAPTIST and LAMB OF GOD and SERVANT === 3rd SunFISH === 4th SunBLESSED SUPER SUNDAY === 5th SunSALT === 7th SunBODY OF CHRIST -30 YEARS === 8th SunWORRY === 9th SunFIXIN’ TO START **** Lent: 1st SunBIG QUESTIONS === 3rd SunTHIRST and WATER WORDS and ENCOUNTER === 4th SunBELIEVING IS SEEING and BLIND FAITH and BLIND TRUTH === 5th SunBELIEF and CPR and SEQUEL === Passion Sun PASSION PEOPLE **** Easter: 2nd Sun THOMAS & THE BUTTERFLY and HANDS === 3rd SunEMMAUS === 4th SunGOOD SHEPHERD === 5th SunSERVICE === 6th SunPARACLET and MOTHER and HAIL, HOLY QUEEN and ORPHANED === 7th SunGLORY === Pentecost STRANGER === TrinityTRINITY and TRINITARIAN SIGNS and THREE-IN-ONE === Corpus ChristiBODY OF CHRIST **** Ordinary: 10th SunMERITED and JUSTIFICATION === 11th SunEVANGELIZATION === 13th Sun INFOMERCIAL === 14th SunYOKES === 15th Sun SEED and PARABLE === 16th SunCIRCUS POPCORN === 18th SunDEMANDS and REQUIREMENTS === 19th SunPRAYER TIME and FRIENDLY TIGER === Assumption MARIAN YEAR === 21st SunKEY NAMES and NAME CALLING === 22nd SunPSYCHE and WHAT IF === 23rd SunLABOR OF LOVE and KEEPER and ADULT CATHOLIC EDUCATION === 24th SunWHAT HAPPENS NEXT? and EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS ===26th SunCHEERS and IN A MINUTE === 29th SunWHAT’S IN YOUR WALLET and REJECTION === 30th SunLOVE AND CHANGE and GENERATIONS OF FAITH and CHARITABLE AGAIN and CIVILITY === 31st SunCELEBRITY === 32nd Sun BE PREPARED === 33rd SunPRINCE JOSHUA and FEAR OF THE LORD === Christ the King SunSHEPHERD KING and SHEPHERD’S WORK

Cycle B: Advent: 1st Sun WAITING === 2nd SunUNEXPECTED === 3rd SunWHO YOU === 4th Sun ... GIFT REJOICE === Holy FamilyLONELY FAMILY and LISTENING FAMILY === Mary, Mother of God RESOLUTIONS === Epiphany FIVE KINGS **** Ordinary: 2nd SunGOSPEL OF LIFE and DISCIPLES IN MISSION and HIDE-AND-SEEK === 3rd SunCALLING === 5th Sun HOSPITALITY and WORK ETHIC === 6th Sun TOUCH === 7th Sun LET’S PRETEND AGAIN **** Lent: 1st Sun HOPE and TESTING and LENT BEGINGS === 3rd SunRELATIONSHIPS and COVENANT === 4th Sun NICODEMUS === 5th SunCAN WE SEE === Passion Sunday WAY OF THE CROSS **** Easter: 2nd Sun SPRING LIFE and EASTER CONTINUES and DIVINE MERCY === 3rd SunKNOW === 4th SunCGS 25 === 6th Sun COMMENCEMENT === 7th SunMATTHIAS and NOVENA === PentecostJOYOUS PENTECOST and ALLELUIA PEOPLE === TrinityBAPTISMS AT MASS and PRIEST, PROPHET, KING and BONDING and SIGN OF THE CROSS **** Ordinary: 11th SunMUSTARD === 12th SunWHY ME? and LOVE-POWER and FAITH AND FATHER === 14th SunREUNION === 15th … Sun BARE FEET === 16th Sun … EMOTIONAL SHEEP === 17th SunLOAVES and SMALL GIFTS ===18th Sun COMFORT FOOD === Transfiguration LONG LASTING === 19th SunVIRTUAL === 20th SunMEALS and REAL PRESENCE === 21st SunCELL PHONES and SERVE THE LORD and COMMITMENT === 22nd Sun TRADITION === 23rd SunDEAFMAN === 24th SunQUIZ === 25th SunMYSTERY OF FAITH === 26th SunBURNING LEAVES === 27th SunONENESS and ONE-FAITH === 28th SunPOSSESSIONS === 30th Sun CROWDS and TRUST AND FAITH and WHOM DO YOU SEE? and FUTURE TENSE === 31st Sun GREATEST COMMANDMENT and ABSENCE OF LOVE === 32nd SunCHARLIE AND SARAH and GIVE-A-WAYS === Christ the King SunWHAT KIND OF A KING and FIRST QUESTIONS.

Cycle C: Advent: 1st SunTIME === 2nd SunDUMP PILE andMARY AND JOHN === 3rd Sun …. REJOICE === 4th Sun ELIZABETH === Christmas DayCHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS === Holy FamilyHOLY FAMILY === EpiphanyEAST **** Ordinary: 2nd SunGIFTS and CANA andSIGNS === 3rd SunTEAM GIVERS === 5th SunHAND-ME-DOWNS === 7th Sun FORGIVE === 8th SunMASK **** Lent: 1st SunSHORT-CUTS and TESTING BELIEF === 2nd SunTHEOPHANY and LANGUAGE === 3rd SunBORING BUSH === 4th SunRERUNS **** Easter: 2nd Sun BELIEVING THOMAS andWALKING UP STAIRS BACKWARDS === 3rd Sun FAT LADY === 5th Sun (Mothers’ Day)THREE VIRTUES === 6th SunPEACE and GRADUATION and (Mothers’ Day)MOTHER CHURCH === 7th SunTRANSITIONS === AscensionASCENSION VIEWPOINTS === PentecostGOOSE BUMPS SUNDAY === Corpus Christi CORPUS CHRISTI **** Ordinary: 10th SunJIG-SAW PUZZELS === 11th SunLOVE AND FORGIVENESS andMONTH OF JUNE ===12th Sun ... WAITING FOR MESSIAH and … CROSS===13th SunCHAINS and … FREEDOM (July 4) andJOURNEY===14th Sun NOSTALGIA andIMMIGRATION FORTH (July 4)=== 15th Sun GOOD NEIGHBOR === 16th Sun CHOICE === TransfigurationTRANSFIGURATION === 17th SunPARENTS === 18th SunIDOLS AND ICONS === 19th SunTALENTS (Talent Fair) andTREASURE AND FAITH === 20th SunLOVING CONFRONTATION andWISHY WASHY CHARLIE BROWN === 21st SunRICE AND WALNUTS andLINES === 22nd SunEXPECTATIONS and POWER TABLE (Labor Day) andCINDERELLA SYNDROME === 23rd SunGONE WITH THE WIND andTRIUMPH OF THE CROSS and LIGHT AND DARKNESS === 24th SunWHERE andWHERE NOW and LOST AND FOUND === 25th SunUSED CAR SALESMAN andSANTA FE (Catechetical Sunday) === 27th Sun EUCHARIST === 29th … Sun PERSISTENCE (Mission Sunday) === 30th Sun SINNER andJESUS PRAYER andRIGHTEOUS=== 31st SunSEEKING === All Souls DayALL SOULS === 32nd SunBROTHERS === 33rd Sun DESTRUCTION === Christ the King Sun KINGDOM COMMUNION and HOLIDAY CONFUSION === Immaculate ConceptionTWO EVES